Rep. Dar'shun Kendrick
House District 95

Dear Visitor,
I am proud to serve over 60,000 Georgians in East DeKalb and South Gwinnett since 2011. If I can ever be of service to you, please reach out to my office.
If you are a constituent, please download this letter for how I can help you as a constituent of the great 95th House District.
Yours in Service,
Dar'shun Kendrick, State Representative
(HD 95 Map)- Directions & Parking at the State Capitol
My Bio & Pic * Official Legislative Profile
(404) 656-0127 [Capitol offices]
View latest press release on appointment as Vice Chair of NBCSL's Law, Justice & Ethics Committee
Learn How a Bill Becomes Law in the Georgia Legislature
HR 6- Constitutional amendment allowing Georgia to have more than 1 business investment fund-( Referred to: Higher Education committee)
HB 7- Rural tech workforce tax credit allowing a $4,000 income tax credit for graduates of a workforce readiness program- (Referred to: Ways and Means committee)
HB 8- Angel investor tax credit that allows a 30% income tax credit for investments in qualified high tech jobs BUT this bill REMOVES the requirement of being a qualified investor (Referred to: Ways and Means committee)
HB 345- Insurance companies are prohibited from raising rates when there is significant legislation limited consumer pay outs and damages. Tort reform is being proposed by the governor under the excuse that insurance rates are skyrocketing. So if we are going to limit pay outs to hard working Georgians that have been injured, we can limit profits for insurance companies that are making record breaking profits. (Referred to: Insurance Committee)
HB 478- Artificial intelligence bill that would require images generated for commercial use by artificial intelligence have a prominent disclaimer to the public that the image has been generated by artificial intelligence (Referred to: Technology committee)
HR 557- A House study committee to examine Georgia's investment funds (Referred to: Ways and Means committeee )
My Bills for 2025-2026 legislative session